Engineer / Test Operator(Driver) 채용
- 모집기간 : 채용시 마감 진행현황: 진행 작성일 : 2016-11-01 16:22
직무 및 자격요건
- Design and implementation of manual test procedures for testing implemented requirements
- Continuous improvement of the test depth
- through definition and implementation of own test strategies in coordination
- Implementation of test procedures in the test strategy dictated
(delta test, full test, free test, field test, etc.)
- Creating bug reports and re-testing of the bug fixes
- Design and implementation of manual and automated test procedures to support the development process
- Close coordination with developers and the customers
- Conception and creation of test benches for test execution and test automation
- Evaluation, analysis and processing of test results
[Test Operator(Driver)]
- Testing of infotainment systems for well-known automotive manufacturers
- Securing the software quality by means of customer-oriented system tests
- Test drives
- Participation in software releases and execution of error tests
- Documentation of the test results and creation of error descriptions as well as test logs
- Participation in multi-day test trips abroad
- Use of automated test procedures and evaluation of test results
- Execution of manual tests for testing of implemented requirements
- Creating bug reports and re-testing of the bug fixes
- University degree in computer science, information systems engineering or a related field of study
- Driving license
- Very good technical knowledge of error search (bug search)
- Good knowledge in the field of error management
- Good knowledge of MS Office
- Experience in automotive testing is an advantage
- Good English skills
- age : 27 ~ 33
- Design and implementation of manual test procedures for testing implemented requirements
- Continuous improvement of the test depth
- through definition and implementation of own test strategies in coordination
- Implementation of test procedures in the test strategy dictated
(delta test, full test, free test, field test, etc.)
- Creating bug reports and re-testing of the bug fixes
- Design and implementation of manual and automated test procedures to support the development process
- Close coordination with developers and the customers
- Conception and creation of test benches for test execution and test automation
- Evaluation, analysis and processing of test results
[Test Operator(Driver)]
- Testing of infotainment systems for well-known automotive manufacturers
- Securing the software quality by means of customer-oriented system tests
- Test drives
- Participation in software releases and execution of error tests
- Documentation of the test results and creation of error descriptions as well as test logs
- Participation in multi-day test trips abroad
- Use of automated test procedures and evaluation of test results
- Execution of manual tests for testing of implemented requirements
- Creating bug reports and re-testing of the bug fixes
- University degree in computer science, information systems engineering or a related field of study
- Driving license
- Very good technical knowledge of error search (bug search)
- Good knowledge in the field of error management
- Good knowledge of MS Office
- Experience in automotive testing is an advantage
- Good English skills
- age : 27 ~ 33
접수기간 및 접수방법
- 홈페이지 지원
서류전형 - 인성검사 - 면접전형 - 최종합격
- 근무시간 : 09:00 - 18:00 (점심시간 11:30 - 13:30)
- 근무지역 : 본사 (서울 삼성동)
- 국민연금 (4대보험) , 퇴직연금
- 의료·건강 : 건강검진
- 휴일·휴가 : 연(월)차, 경조휴가제, 입사일 휴가(1년이상 만근자 해당), 생일 휴가
- 지급물품 : 법인카드
- 회사행사 : 랜덤회식, 전체회식, workshop
- 회사분위기 : 인재 육성 중시, 야근 강요 안함
- 기타 : 외국어 교육 지원, 도서비 지원
- 근무지역 : 본사 (서울 삼성동)
- 국민연금 (4대보험) , 퇴직연금
- 의료·건강 : 건강검진
- 휴일·휴가 : 연(월)차, 경조휴가제, 입사일 휴가(1년이상 만근자 해당), 생일 휴가
- 지급물품 : 법인카드
- 회사행사 : 랜덤회식, 전체회식, workshop
- 회사분위기 : 인재 육성 중시, 야근 강요 안함
- 기타 : 외국어 교육 지원, 도서비 지원
- 이력서 및 자기소개서 (증명사진 필수)
- 인사담당자 [ 02-511-5986 / 010-2668-5473 ]